School Name: Emily Carr PS Date: June 22, 2018
Safe School Action Team Composition - Please indicate the number of representatives in the following categories:
Students: 10 Teaching Staff: 3 Non-Teaching Staff: 1 Parents: 1 Community: 1 Admin: 2
Points for Consideration:
Effective Action Plans consider the following
Effective Safe Schools Programs:
After completing the School Assessment Checklist, Identify your schools Stage of Change
Total Score |
Stage |
Prevention |
47 |
2 |
Policy and Procedures |
23 |
2 |
Intervention |
26 |
3 |
School Climate |
52 |
3 |
After completing the Safe Schools Assessment Checklist, examining the survey data with your team, and reviewing other sources of information consider some of the following questions to help guide discussion and move you towards developing and selecting your school goal(s).
- In what ways is Safe Schools imbedded into your school’s curricular programs? Are programs evidence based and age appropriate? Do gaps by grade or subject area exist?
- Do staff know and consistently apply policies and procedures in line with Ministry of Education requirements? What type of ongoing training is available?
- Do all stakeholders feel welcome and involved in your school and its activities? What gaps, if any, are evident?
- Overall, is there sustainability to Safe Schools initiatives/ programs? Consider the number of “one off” programs versus continuous initiatives / programs. What programs appear to have buy-in and are showing success? Which programs need to be reviewed?
- What is the anonymous reporting system at your school? Do you feel this method is working well for your students? What evidence do you have to support this?
- In what ways are stakeholders involved in the plan’s development, implementation and review of outcomes?
Based on the information gathered from the points for consideration on page one, the Safe Schools Reflection completed in Spring 2011, identify up to 3 goals the school plans to implement. Complete the template below for each goal the team has identified.
Goal #1 |
Specific Goal:
Addressing on-line/social media behaviour
Specific Implementation Strategies:
Sept- on-going |
Indicators of Success:
- Positive discussions about behaviour, responsibilities, taking ownership of on-line behavior - Reduction in on-line incidents |
Is this goal related to:
Prevention ___x___ Policy & Procedure ____ Intervention _____ School Climate ______ |
Stakeholders involved in the implementation and outcome of this goal:
Teachers _x___ Students ___x__ Parents ___x___ Admin ___x___ |
How will you communicate this goal to stakeholders:
- Parent Council - E-News - LEAD programming |
Goal #2 |
Specific Goal:
Raising awareness about Board policy/procedures
Specific Implementation Strategies:
Sept - Oct |
Indicators of Success:
- Consistent understanding of Code of Conduct - Shared understanding of the responses and responsibilities related to issues - Staff become consistent in their responses and re-direct to admin as required |
Is this goal related to:
Prevention ______ Policy & Procedure __x__ Intervention _____ School Climate ______ |
Stakeholders involved in this plan:
Teachers __x__ Students __x___ Parents ___x___ Admin __x____ |
How will you communicate this goal to stakeholders: - Parent Council – post to FB - E-News - Staff meetings to support staff awareness |
Goal #3 |
Specific Goal:
Encouraging discussion about “bullying”
Specific Implementation Strategies:
Sept -ongoing |
Indicators of Success:
- Shared understanding of when and why and how “bullying” situations occur - Students feel confident and resilient when facing “mean” or “hurtful” behaviours (small scale peer conflicts) - Parents have a shared understanding of what, when, how, and why “bullying” is |
Is this goal related to:
Prevention ______ Policy & Procedure __x__ Intervention _____ School Climate ______ |
Stakeholders involved in this plan:
Teachers __x__ Students _x____ Parents ___x___ Admin ___x___ |
How will you communicate this goal to stakeholders: - Parent Council - E-News – articles - Guest speakers – online safety, presenters |
Next Safe Schools Action Team Meeting Dates:
#2- _____October 2018
#3- ___________________
Reminder: Safe Schools will provide ½ day coverage for meetings within the school day for a maximum of 2 Safe Schools Action Plan meetings.