TVDSB Homework Policy

Definition of Homework
Homework is an out-of-classroom learning experience, assigned and monitored by the teacher. It is a planned component of the educational process, related to grade and course learning expectations as outlined by the Ontario Curriculum, and designed to enhance individual student learning. There are four types of assigned homework:

definition of homework chart

Homework, like any successful instructional practice, is differentiated by grade, age, developmental stage, course, interests, and individual student needs. Effective homework is meaningful to the students, intentionally integrated with ongoing classroom instruction, and appropriately differentiated to support student learning. The role of homework changes as students mature and they develop independence. Younger students may be expected to complete all or almost all learning activities during the school day while older students are more likely to spend additional time on learning tasks, especially as they move into the senior grades. While assignments for evaluation “must not include ongoing homework that students do to consolidate their knowledge and skills” (Growing Success, 2010), homework for students in the senior division (grades 11-12) will vary in their use of out-of-school resources and time, depending on student interests, courses, and post-secondary destination.

The Homework Partnership and Responsibilities
Homework, when required, is intended to be an effective extension of the school program. Teachers, parent(s)/guardian(s) and students are partners in the completion of homework and the development of sound homework habits. Each member of the partnership has specific responsibilities. Successful homework practices help ensure that homework is a valuable tool for enhancing student achievement.

Principals/Vice Principals/Teachers:
• to review and communicate homework guidelines early in the school year for use by teachers, students and parent(s)/guardian(s);
• offer information/resources to assist the home in helping children (e.g., interviews/conferences, newsletters, school website, planners, library and may offer curriculum nights); 
• explain to students (and parent(s)/guardian(s)) the purpose of assigned homework and teach skills necessary for completion: organization, time management and problem-solving (e.g., note-making, preparation for upcoming tests);
• provide homework that is appropriate to the student’s age, developmental level, skills and individual needs, differentiating for student diversity, including students in English language learners (ELL) programs, students in special education programs, and post-secondary destinations;
• use homework as a vehicle for developing and reinforcing learning, not as a consequence for misbehaviour or failure to perform as expected;
• monitor homework, provide timely feedback, seek to collaborate among members of the teaching staff in order to assign a reasonable amount of homework;
• communicate using verbal, written and/or electronic means as necessary;
• report on homework completion in the Learning Skills section of the Elementary Progress Report Card and the Provincial Report Card;
• assign projects that can be completed primarily during class time;
• ensure that students have access to required resources and/or technology if needed to complete the assigned homework tasks;
• avoid homework immediately prior to the exam period;
• avoid homework on scheduled holidays according to the Thames Valley District School Board school calendar;
• avoid homework on days of significance (e.g., religious holidays, creed-based or cultural observances);
• allow time for homework to be started during class time.

• ensure that they understand and ask for help if the homework assignments or expectations are not clear (e.g., assignments, criteria, timelines);
• assume appropriate responsibility for homework completion as they proceed through school;
• manage time and materials appropriately (e.g., uses school planner, submits homework on time, organizes necessary materials);
• make use of assigned class time to complete work;
• prepare for tests and examinations;
• complete and submit class work, homework, and assignments according to agreed upon timelines.

• provide encouragement and appropriate support, without doing the homework for the student;
• support a healthy balance between homework, co-curricular activities and family commitments;
• provide a suitable environment for the student to complete work (e.g., work space, block of uninterrupted time);
• participate actively in the home and school partnership and communicate with the teacher;
• communicate with the teacher if homework is incomplete for any reason.

 Homework Guidelines
homework guidelines chart



© 2023 , 44 Hawthorne Road, London . Tel. 519-452-8160, Fax 519-452-8169,   Superintendent: P. Skinner, Trustees: B. Mai, S. Moore