Safe Schools

Emily Carr Public School

2024-2025 Safe and Inclusive School Planlearning triangle

Our school is committed to providing all students with a safe, caring, and inclusive learning environment free from bullying and harassment that promotes respect, acceptance, and empathy.

Staff, students, parents and caregivers, and community partners will work together as a team to help make our school safe and welcoming for everyone.

The Safe and Inclusive School Plan highlights some of the key actions that our school community will put in place as part of our bullying prevention and intervention efforts.

Key Priorities and Goals

This year we are continuing our focus on building and maintaining healthy relationships.

We are doing this because a school-wide focus on healthy relationships will develop and sustain a healthy, equitable, and inclusive learning environment, essential to improved student academic achievement.

Key Actions or Strategies

  1. Facilitate classroom practices/activities that focus on Acts of Kindness, Being a Good Friend, Being Respectful, Conflict Resolution, Empathy and Listening.
  2. Work with community partners and family/guardians around developing the skills necessary to build and maintain healthy relationships.
  3. Implement a restorative approach through training staff, engaging community and using common language and community circles.

Community and Home Connections

Take a moment to view this short video produced by School Mental Health Ontario to learn more about the importance of building healthy relationships during childhood.

Social Emotional Learning Student Project: Healthy Relationships

Ask your child about what makes them a good friend and what attributes they value in others.

Try talking about positivity and kindness. Why are kind actions important? What do acts of kindness look like and sound like at home, at school and in the community?





© 2023 , 44 Hawthorne Road, London . Tel. 519-452-8160, Fax 519-452-8169,   Superintendent: S. Powell, Trustees: B. Mai, S. Moore