Library Learning Commons

library books literacy logo

Explore Books and Resources

Discuss the latest graphic novels and fiction books.
Find exciting and interesting story books.
Discover high interest non-fiction resources.
Investigate online resources.

Partnering Projects

Inquiry Projects        Research Projects      Passion Projects

Genius Hour Projects       Independent Learning Projects

Partner with your teacher-librarian and explore ways for your students to create, share, and/or showcase their projects.

Integrate media and technology into your language, science, social studies, drama, or art program.

21st Century Skills

Help students learn about Global Citizenship, Digital Citizenship and Cyber Sense.

computer logo ICT logo


Learn to code! The experience of computer programming is an exciting 21st century learning experience that students of all ages enjoy. The enhancement of student learning via the problem solving and computational skills inherent in coding activities is not to be underestimated. Coding activities are not simply a means on to themselves, but can be utilized for learning in language, media, art, science, and social studies. Integrate coding into your math program. Have students work on geometry, patterning, and numeracy skills through a variety of coding activities.


Integrate technology into your math program. Have students work on geometry, patterning, and numeracy through robotics.

Graphic Design
Integrate media and technology into your art program. Students will explore various aspects of graphic design as they learn to create their own digital images.
Media Creation

Integrate media and technology into your language, math,
science, social studies, drama, phys. ed. or art program. Students will explore various aspects of media creation as they learn to create their own media projects.


Integrate media and technology into your language, math,
science, social studies, drama, phys. ed. or art program. Students will explore various ways to present information as they learn to create their own slideshows, posters, infographics, and videos.

Digital Authoring & Storytelling

Integrate media and technology into your language, math,
science, social studies, or drama program. Students will explore various aspects of digital authoring and story telling as they learn to create their own digital texts.

Data Management

Integrate technology into your math program. Have students work with data sets and create a variety of charts.

Math Skills
Integrate technology into your math program. Have students work on geometry, patterning, and numeracy through coding and robotics, as well as through online computer apps and programs.

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Video Creation

Using iPads and other video recording devices students will produce their own videos as they learn how to create effective media presentations.

Video Editing
Using iMovie, Adobe Premier, and other video editing software students will produce their own videos as they learn how to create effective media presentations.
Using iPads and digital cameras students will produce their own images as they learn how to create effective media presentations.
Photo Editing 
Using Adobe Photoshop and other image editing software students will produce their own images as they learn how to create effective media presentations.
Using iPads and digital cameras students will produce their own stop motion animation projects as they learn how to create effective media presentations.
Green Screening

Write a story, draw a picture, create a project or a presentation then insert yourself or a group of people into any scene or situation. Using the DoInk Green Screen app on an iPad or Adobe Photoshop on a PC students will produce their own images and videos as they learn how to create effective media presentations.

Audio Production
Using microphones and/or audio software students will produce their own audio productions (voice recordings, music, sound effects, etc.) as they learn how to create effective media presentations.

Maker logo


Build Challenges


Lego & K’nex



A learning commons is a whole school approach to building a participatory learning community. The Library Learning Commons is the physical and virtual collaborative learning hub of the school. It is designed to engineer and drive future-oriented learning and teaching throughout the entire school.

Inquiry, project/problem-based learning experiences are designed as catalysts for intellectual engagement with information, ideas, thinking, and dialogue. Reading thrives, learning literacies and technology competencies evolve, and critical thinking, creativity, innovation and playing to learn are nourished.

Critical Thinking Skills
Problem Solving

Group Work

Creative Thinking Skills
Literacy Skills


© 2023 , 44 Hawthorne Road, London . Tel. 519-452-8160, Fax 519-452-8169,   Superintendent: P. Skinner, Trustees: B. Mai, S. Moore