Computer and Internet Code of Conduct

Students are expected to use computer equipment, access to networks and the Internet responsibly for educational goals. So that all students can benefit from using computers for learning in a safe environment, the following rules apply.

Personal safety
1. Students shall not give out personal information about themselves or others (such as address, phone number, pictures of themselves) to strangers met through the Internet/Social Media
2. Web pages/Social Media shall not contain personal information about students (address, phone numbers, pictures unless parents have given consent).
3. Students shall report to a teacher or other school staff member any computer or Internet/Social Media related activity (e.g., threats, abusive language) that gives them concern or appears to threaten the safety of people or places.

Use of equipment, software and networks
1. All equipment, including cables and network drops shall be used in ways that do not cause damage.
2. Use of computer resources including the Internet/Social Media shall respect the safety and rights of others. Information shall not be accessed, downloaded, stored or distributed that is illegal, abusive, threatening, obscene, harassing or otherwise inappropriate.
3. Students shall not share passwords or use the passwords of others nor should they try to hack into computer systems.
4. Computer files or the data in files shall not be deleted, modified, moved or copied unless permission has been given to do so by a school staff member.
5. Creating and transmitting computer viruses, hoaxes, email worms, sending junk mail or similar nuisance behaviour or related threats to computer security is not permitted.
6. Software used shall be properly licensed unless it is made available free by the creator ("freeware"). Licensed software shall not be copied illegally.
7. Email, conferencing, on-line chat and content of web pages shall respect the safety and rights of others.
8. Students shall report to a teacher or other school staff member any inappropriate use of computer equipment, software or networks, including the Internet/Social Media
9. Students shall not pretend to be someone else.
10. Students shall not intentionally access Internet sites with inappropriate content of no educational value.
11. If using the work of others, credit must be given and permission obtained if copyright materials are used.
12. Handheld audio and video devices (e.g., cameras, MP3 players, cell phones) may be used in the classroom and other designated areas of the school with the express permission of the school administration.
13. No one is to use his or her portable handheld device to audiotape or videotape other individuals (staff , student, parent or community members) without their permission while on school property, or at any school events.

Inappropriate use of the Board’s computer resources will result in consequences. If the actions of a student appear to break the law, the police will be informed.

(Toronto District School Board's Internet Acceptable Use Guidelines used as a resource)


© 2023 , 44 Hawthorne Road, London . Tel. 519-452-8160, Fax 519-452-8169,   Superintendent: S. Powell, Trustees: B. Mai, S. Moore