Enrolment capped at White Oaks Public School
Effective immediately, Thames Valley District School Board is capping enrolment at White Oaks Public School due to a rapid increase in the number of families in the school’s attendance area and the holding zones it accommodates.
This decision will help address enrolment pressures facing the White Oaks Public School community due to unprecedented growth in London.
Only siblings of current White Oaks Public School students are eligible to register for the school at this time.
Families that registered before June 30, 2023, are not affected by this enrolment capping decision and will be attending White Oaks Public School in September 2023.
Families that have registered between July 1, 2023, and August 20, 2023, will be designated to attend Nicholas Wilson Public School with transportation provided.
Beginning August 21, all families that registered after June 30 will be designated to attend Nicholas Wilson Public School with transportation provided.
Alternatively, families that registered after June 30 can complete an out of area exemption request for another school where there is space. Transportation will not be provided in this case.
As outlined in Thames Valley’s Accommodation Plan, the school board will be seeking approval from the Ministry of Education for another new southwest London elementary school, to accommodate the growing number of families in the area.
Thames Valley looks forward to welcoming new families and introducing them to the many unique programs offered at Nicholas Wilson Public School and all Thames Valley schools.
To learn more about your child’s attendance area, please visit www.tvdsb.ca/schoolfinder.